Renovation of the skin around the eyes with mesotherapy

rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes

The eye area is one of the most sensitive and vulnerable areas of the human face.

Thinning skin due to the influence of many internal and external factors leads to the rapid appearance of wrinkles and other signs of premature aging. This is why proper skin care around the eyes is extremely important; creams and lotions are a must.

Mesotherapy can help, the technique is safe and effective.

Indications for performing

First, it is necessary to understand the indications for mesotherapy around the eyes. The procedure can be applied to eliminate the following manifestations:

  • imitation wrinkles;
  • puffiness and dark circles under the eyes;
  • dry skin;
  • decrease in durability and elasticity;
  • pale skin color.

It should be noted immediately that mesotherapy may not be effective in all cases. Meso cocktail shots can have a positive effect on solving existing problems if they arise due to:

  • lack of vitamins, nutrients and acids caused by poor nutrition, ecology and other external factors;
  • natural aging processes that lead to inhibition of metabolism, cell renewal;
  • changes caused by hormonal changes and physiological characteristics (for example, bags under the eyes due to hernia) are virtually impossible to correct with this method.

What medicines are used?

The delicate skin around the eyes is, perhaps, the only area of ​​the human face for which the development and use of special meso-cocktails is ensured. In all other cases, the use of conventional, universal means is quite acceptable. Conventionally, these drugs (developed for the eyelid area and the skin under the eyes) can be divided into two categories.

Learn cocktails designed to solve specific problems

A great example of this type of medicine is the peptide cocktail for the skin around the eyes. The main active ingredient of such a composition are peptides - special proteins that have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the dermis, remove excess fluid and lead to an accelerated renewal of skin cells. Injections are performed mainly to reduce swelling and eliminate circles under the eyes.

Learn Cocktails created to generally renew and improve the existing situation

Such meso cocktails are successfully used to moisturize the skin, saturate it with beneficial ingredients and also to eliminate moderately expressed facial wrinkles. The drug can also be used as a prophylactic agent.

The main stages of the procedure

Mesotherapy for eyelids and under the eyes is performed in accordance with the classic principle of this type of procedure. The skin should be pre-cleansed and treated with an antiseptic to minimize the risk of inflammation. If your pain threshold allows you to avoid anesthesia, then it is better to give it up.

Injections are performed only manually, it is not about any hardware method. This solution reduces the risks of skin damage and at the same time helps to achieve a more pronounced effect, as it allows you to act on the problem visually.

When choosing a beautician and clinic for the first time, where the procedure will take place, carefully study the patient reviews, because the final result depends mainly on the professionalism of the specialist who performs the injections. Remember, this moment is just as important as the way the medicine is administered and its specific type.

To achieve a pronounced result, as a rule, you should attend about 5-7 sessions with a break of about 10 days. However, in some cases, even more and fewer procedures may be required, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the degree of complexity of the existing problem. A procedure takes about 30 minutes, then the patient can return to the daily rhythm of life.

Side effects and contraindications

mesotherapy as a way to rejuvenate the skin around the eyes

Mesotherapy reviews on eyelids and eyes are extremely true, after its application, various side effects can often be noticed. Of course, the negative consequences can also be caused by a violation of the makeup insertion technique, but they are mainly due to the structure of the skin, its thinness and a tendency to increase trauma.

Most often in the first hours after mesotherapy can be noticed:

  • edema, including a slight increase in the size of the bags under the eyes;
  • bruising;
  • redness;
  • grief and anxiety;
  • tear.

Negative aspects of mesotherapy include not only the frequent occurrence of side effects, but also the presence of a fairly significant number of contraindications. Thus, the procedure is not recommended for the following situations:

  • pregnancy, first months after birth, breastfeeding period, menstruation;
  • lowers immunity and exacerbation of various diseases against the background of such a condition, as well as local viral and bacterial infections (influenza, tonsillitis, ARVI);
  • individual intolerance to constituent preparations for injection;
  • high skin sensitivity to injections and prone to scarring;
  • diseases of the circulatory system.

Furthermore, reviews by individual specialists contain information that regular intake of alcohol and aspirin a few days before starting therapy can significantly worsen the expected results.

Recommendations for skin restoration

How exactly should you take care of the skin around the eyes after mesotherapy? In fact, there are no specific instructions. In most cases, the side effects disappear within 48 hours after the injections, however, complete recovery ends only at the end of 5 or 7 days.

skin restoration after mesotherapy

The following recommendations are recommended throughout the rehabilitation period:

  • do not wash with hot water (first day);
  • do not use cosmetics, both decorative and intended for skin care (within 48 hours);
  • avoid direct sunlight (it is recommended to wear sunglasses before going out for 24-48 hours);
  • do not visit sauna, steam room and solarium (5-7 days);
  • Do not rub or scratch the skin, even if you have discomfort and itching.

Retention Benefits

Let's talk about how, after mesotherapy, such a pronounced anti-aging effect is formed and the elimination of a number of different problems. Obvious advantages of the technique include factors such as:

  • presence of meso cocktails specially adapted for the delicate skin around the eyes;
  • ability to solve problems in a complex (for example, rejuvenation and elimination of puffiness with peptides);
  • an additional rejuvenating effect caused by violation of skin integrity and activation of dermal regeneration;
  • short rehabilitation period and there are no special requirements for its implementation.

Cost of the procedure

How much does mesotherapy around the eyes cost? Prices vary and may vary depending on the pricing policy of the clinic you choose and the cosmetic product used for injections.

Mesotherapy of the eyelids and skin under the eyes is a very effective method for the renewal of this area. Due to the presence of special formulations and their introduction directly into the superficial and middle layers of the dermis, a positive effect is already observed for 2-3 procedures. Such an effect may be associated with side effects, but is generally characterized by minimal trauma.